Sunday, July 7, 2019

Explore Ramona Grasslands Preserve 🌅

I am going to tell you about some amazing views on this episode of Ramona Revealed!
Ramona Grasslands Preserve is one of the most stunning places in the area. The preserve has four miles of trails, tables for a seated picnic, and free-roaming wildlife! I love walking this trail and taking in all of the natural beauty of our town.
Ramona Grasslands is designated as a San Diego County park. The preserve sits in the Santa Maria Valley between coastal mesas and the beginnings of the peninsula mountain range.
As you explore, you will encounter the Santa Maria Creek which creates habitats likes grasslands and ponds. All the water makes the area pretty green and promotes lots of unique plant growth. According to the county parks site, you can see over 400 plants species, 23 butterfly species, 21 reptile species, and over a hundred different types of birds!
Lots of animals wander freely so you could even spot a bobcat or golden eagle.
Preserving the space is very important. The Parks and Recreation Department has a conservation program to manage and maintain. They also want to further develop the Coast to Crest Trail for all of us to enjoy.
The trails are open to hikers, cyclists, and equestrians who are free to explore the 3,521 acres of natural wonder.
It is located just southwest of Ramona. The trailhead can be found just off of Highland Valley Road. The park is open from 8:00 AM to sunset every day.
I hope you make it out here to take in the scenery at Ramona Grasslands Preserve.

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